Sunday, March 4, 2012

Peak Moving Season 2012: Are you prepared?

Peak moving season runs from May through August each year, with the busiest portion being from Memorial Day through July 4. This peak season creates a capacity challenge for Landlords and Property Management Firmsin Chicago to accommodate moving dates. But with planning and active involvement, everybody can have a successful move even during the busiest moving season.

This summer is busier than normal because of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure law directing many organizations and units to move by the end of September. This adds an additional 17,000 service members and family members to the normal peak season, stretching the capacity even further.

Making a successful and timely move during an already challenging peak moving season will require added vigilance from both the Landlord, Chicago Property Management Firms and the tenants to move generate a successful move.

To help ease the pressure of peak moving season – call MK Asset Management for a consultation on your property management, moving, and tenant needs before May so you can enjoy your summer and rest at ease knowing your tenants and moving schedules are taken care of.

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